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πŸ—“ How is Launch Date calculated?
πŸ—“ How is Launch Date calculated?

This article describes various activation methods that Style Arcade offers to determine the Launch Date for a product.

Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘In this article you will learn about:

  • How Style Arcade captures launch/published dates across

    different channels in order to facilitate accurate sell-through analysis.

  • The different Supported Activation Date Sources.


This document outlines how Style Arcade captures launch/published dates across

different channels in order to facilitate accurate sell-through analysis.

Supported Activation Date Sources

Date of First Sale

  • Style Arcade will automatically use the Date of First Sale as an launch/published date source

  • For channels with pre-orders or advance wholesale orders, providing a reliable alternative is available, this behaviour can be disabled

Online Published Date

  • Style Arcade can use the Published Date from an e-commerce platform

  • Shopify natively supports this, and Style Arcade will capture the earliest value (as some products are taken down and re-published)

  • Magento2 must be customised to support this

  • For BigCommerce this can be inferred by capturing the earliest date that the product was set to "available"

Impressions (Google Analytics)

  • Date of first impression can be used as the activation date

  • This requires that GA is set up correctly (most retailers have problems with this)

Date of Stock Arrival

  • This is typically used to track activation across a retail store network

  • The obvious downside is that there may be a delay between when the stock is delivered and when it is put on the floor, but providing this happens within the same week it will be sufficiently accurate

  • This is not advisable to use for online activation unless the online store has a dedicated warehouse set up in the ERP

Flat File

  • A flat file that can identify both the product and launch date can be used as a source of activation date

  • This is typical in push-style integrations with ERPs providing that the launch date is tracked in the ERP

  • It's also possible to provide a manual file (CSV, Excel or Gsheet)


Option 1: Default

  1. For each channel, Style Arcade will take the earliest of the following:
    - Activation Date supplied by eCommerce or flat file
    - Date of first sale
    - Date of first impression (if GA is connected)
    - Date of first stock arrival (if enabled)

  2. If none of the above is present, it will mark the product as Not Yet Launched

Option 2: Prioritise supplied activation date

  1. For each channel, Style Arcade will use the following if present:
    - Activation Date supplied by eCommerce or flat file

  2. If the above is NOT present, Style Arcade will take the earliest of the following:
    - Date of first sale
    - Date of first impression (if GA is connected)
    - Date of first stock arrival (if enabled)

  3. If none of the above is present, it will mark the product as Not Yet Launched

Option 3: Strict activation

  1. For each channel, Style Arcade will use the following if present:
    - Activation Date supplied by e-commerce or flat file

  2. If none of the above is present, it will mark the product as Not Yet Launched


  • Style Arcade can take an activation date from a flat file or eCommerce platform and apply it to any channel - for example, some retailers may wish to see their online launch date when analysing wholesale sales

  • Style Arcade typically cannot take a date of first sale, impression or stock arrival in one channel and apply it to another (however there are exceptions)

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