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Available to sell units (all time) | ATS U (all time)
The units that were available at a point in time. Calculated by Closing Stock Units + Sales Units After Returns.
For example:
Available to sell @ RRP | ATS @ RRP
Available to Sell Units (all time) x RRP
Average 4-Week Cover | Avg 4wk Cover
Current Week's Stock Units / Average Sales Units (after returns) of the last 4 weeks
Average Selling Price | ASP
Sales revenue before returns ex-tax, divided by sales units before returns
Average Stock Units | Average Stock U
Based on the average weekly closing stock over the time period you have selected.
Calculated by taking the Sum of Closing Stock U / Number of weeks in the selected timeframe
Average Weekly Sell Through % (all time)
Calculated by Sell through % (all time) / No. weeks active
Average Stock @ Cost | Average SOH @ Cost
Calculated by taking Average Stock on Hand x Cost Price
Average stock @ RRP | Average SOH @ RRP
Calculated by Average stock value x RRP (ex tax)
Cost of Goods Sold | COGS
Mapped directly from the source system, or calculated by taking cost price x sales units after returns or before returns
Click Through Rate % | CTR%
Product List Clicks / Impressions
Note: This metric is only available with Google Analytics 4 integrations
Discount $ after returns | Discount $ AR
The value of the difference between the RRP or sell price (if the product is marked down) and the sales revenue generated from the order.
Calculation = Total markdown $ - Markdown after returns $
Read more about this metric and how Style Arcade classify a discount here
Note: This metric is only available for selected system integrations. If you would like to have this metric added to your app, please enquire via the support chat for further assistance.
First 4-week Rate of Sales | 1st 4W ROS
Average sales units after returns of the product's first 4 weeks since launched
First Size Broken | 1st Size Broken - Available on Product Page ONLY
Shows the size that sold out first
First Week a Size Broke | 1st Week A Size Broke - Available on Product Page ONLY
Shows the week that the first size went out of stock
First x Week average sell through % | First x week rating
The week number is subjected to individual businesses, this shows the product's average sell-through within the first x number of weeks of since launched
Full Price Sell Through % | FP ST %
Sales Units After Returns Full Price/ ATS (all time) (Available to sell)
Full Price Sales Units (all time)
Sales units before or after returns (all time) when the productโs price within a sales order is = RRP
Note: We are working hard to roll out this metric to all customers. Our brand success representative will be in touch as soon as this is available.
Future Purchase Order units | Future PO U
This metric shows the sum of all units that are currently on order, to be delivered at a future date for a product
Note: If you have a date range filter on, it might prevent some future orders from showing. We recommend reviewing future orders with your date range removed or in the product detail page.
Future Transfer
The in transit/incoming stock units that have not yet arrived at the intended store/warehouse.
Style Arcade determines whether units as in transit or received by reading the due date of the movement.
Note: This metric is only available to selected system integrations
Used to analyse the profitability of inventory purchases. The calculation measures the cost of the average inventory compared to the gross margin you receive from selling it.
Calculated by taking Gross Profit After Returns / Average Stock @ Cost
Gross Conversion Rate % | CR% (G)
Sales units before returns/ Page views
Note: This metric is only available with Google Analytics 4 integrations
Gross profit $ before returns | GP $ BR
Calculated by taking Sales $ Before Returns (all time) - Cost of Goods Sold Before Returns
Gross profit $ after returns (all time) | GP $ AR (all time)
Calculated by taking Sales $ After Returns (all time) - Cost of Goods Sold After Returns
Gross Profit % Before Returns
Calculated by taking a percentage of Gross Profit Before Returns $ / Sales Before Returns $ (all time)
Gross Profit % After Returns (all time)
Calculated by taking a percentage of Gross Profit After Returns $ (all time) / Sales After Returns $ (all time)
The number of times the user sees either a product image or thumbnail
Intake Margin % | IM %
Also known as the first margin. This is the margin you get when you sell the product at full price without any discount. It is called intake because this is the initial price you have set the product at when you receive it.
Calculated by ((RRP/tax) - Cost Price)/RRRP/tax))
Last Received Date / Week / Month
The date/week/month on which you last received stock in the selected store/location in the selected time period
Launch Date / Week / Month
The date/week/month a product was launched in any given store or online. For more info on how the launch date is calculated please check out this article
Last 4-Week Rate of Sales | Last 4W ROS
Average sales units after returns in the last 4 completed calendar weeks
Last x Week Average Sell Through % | Last x Week Rating
The week number is subjected to individual businesses, this shows the product's average sell through within the last x number of weeks
Markdown $ after returns | Markdown $ AR
Markdowns are normally permanent reduction in the sell price. Markdown after returns shows the value difference between the RRP and the Sell Price (ex tax).
Calculation = ((RRP ex tax)-(sell price ex tax)) x Markdown Sales Units After Returns
Read more about this metric and how Style Arcade classifies a markdown here
Markdown % | MD % - Available on Product Page ONLY
This is the difference between your RRP and the current selling price.
Calculation = 1 - (Selling Price / RRP) all ex tax
Markdown Sales Units Before or After Returns (all time) | Markdown Sales U BR or AR (all time)
Sales units before or after returns (all time) of the product when the selling price is < RRP
Note: We are working hard to roll out this metric to all customers. Our brand success representative will be in touch as soon as this is available.
Net Conversion Rate % | CR% (N)
Sales Units After Returns (all time) / Page views
Note: This metric is currently only available with Google Analytics 4 integration.
Next Receive Date
Date of the next arriving purchase order
Next Receive Unit
Purchase units of the next arriving purchase order
Next Receive @ Cost
The cost value of the next arriving purchase order. Calculated by cost price x purchase units of the next receive order.
Next Receive @ RRP
The RRP value of the next arriving purchase order. Calculated by RRP x purchase units of the next receive order.
Note: "Next receive" refers to the closest future purchase order information of unreceived purchase orders (ignoring unreceived units from a past date)
Page Views
The number of times a page has been viewed on a website
Note: This metric is currently only available with Google Analytics 4 integration.
Price Status
Price Status of the product at the end of the period that you selected
โ๐ข Full Price = Item is at full price or RRP, this also includes discounts or promo
๐ด โMarkdown = Item has a red pen markdown applied
โ๐ Unknown = When the selling price is at 0 or unavailable to determine
Product List Clicks
The number of times the users clicked the product when it appeared in the product list
Note: This metric is currently only available with Google Analytics 4 integration.
Product Count
Fashion Analytics - Count of products that made sales or held stock based on the date selected
Range Plan - Count of unique product codes in the selected delivery date
Purchase order received @ cost | PO received @ cost
Purchase order at cost value. Calculated by Purchase Order Received Unit (all time) x Cost Price
Purchase order received @ RRP | PO received @ RRP
Purchase order at retail value. Calculated by Purchase Order Received Unit (all time) x RRP (ex tax)
Purchase Order Received Units (all time) | PO Received U (all time)
This metric shows the sum of received units that have been delivered within the filtered date range.
Rate of Sale Before Returns | ROS BR
Sales Units Before Returns since launched / Number of weeks since launched (Weeks active)
Rate of Sale After Returns | ROS AR
Sales Units After Returns (all time) since launched / Number of weeks since launched (Weeks active)
Returned Units | Returns U
Returns units attributed to the week they are returned/processed
Return Rate % | RR%
The percentage of the returned units / Sales units before returns
Recommended Retail Price | RRP
The original sell price of a product, also known as the list price, MSRP or SRP. This may include tax. Please refer to this article to view tax rates for each currency.
Sales $ after returns (all time) | Sales $ AR (all time)
Sales $'s after returns and discounts
Sales $ before returns (all time) | Sales $ BR (all time)
Sales $'s before returns and after discounts
Sales $ before returns inc. tax | Sales $ BR inc. tax
Calculated by taking Sales $ before returns (all time) x Tax rate
Sales $ after returns inc. tax | Sales $ AR inc. tax
Calculated by taking Sales $ after returns (all time) x Tax rate.
Sales units before returns | Sales U BR
The gross sold units before returns.
Sales units after returns (all time) | Sales U AR (all time)
The net sales units, calculated by taking Sales Units Before Returns - Returned Units
Sales units after returns last week | Sales U AR LW
This metric shows the number of units sold after returns for the week preceding the selected date range. This metric dynamically adjusts based on the user's chosen date range.
If you selected a single week, then it shows the sales units after returns of the week before the selected week
If you selected multiple weeks, then it shows the sales units after returns the of the week before the ending week.
If you have cleared the date range filter (looking at all time), then it shows the sales units after returns of the week before the current week
Single Week Range: August 1-7, 2024
โSales Units Last Week: The number of units sold from July 25-31, 2024.
โMultiple Dates Range: July 29 - August 27
โSales Units Last Week: The number of units sold from August 14 - 20, 2024 (one week before the ending week)
Sales $ after returns last week | Sales $ AR LW
This metric shows the sold after returns $ for the week preceding the selected date range. This metric dynamically adjusts based on the user's chosen date range.
If you selected a single week, then it shows the sales $ after returns of the week before the selected week
If you selected multiple weeks, then it shows the sales $ after returns the of the week before the ending week.
If you have cleared the date range filter (looking at all time), then it shows the sales $ after returns of the week before the current week
Single Week Range: August 1-7, 2024
โSales $ Last Week: Sales $ after returns from July 25-31, 2024.
โMultiple Dates Range: July 29 - August 27
โSales $ Last Week: Sales $ after returns from August 14 - 20, 2024
(one week before the ending week)
Sales units after returns this week | Sales U AR TW
If you selected a single week, then it shows the sales units after returns of the selected week
If you selected multiple weeks, then it shows the sales units after returns of the ending week in the selected weeks
If you have cleared the date range filter (looking at all time), then it shows the sales units after returns of the current week
Sales units after returns this week -2 | Sales U AR TW -2
If you selected a single week, then it shows the sales units after returns 2 weeks before the selected week
If you selected multiple weeks, then it shows the sales units after returns 2 weeks before the ending week of the selected weeks
If you have cleared the date range filter (looking at all time), then it shows the sales units after returns 2 weeks before the current week
Sales units after returns this week -3 | Sales U AR TW -3
If you selected a single week, then it shows the sales units after returns 3 weeks before the selected week
If you selected multiple weeks, then it shows the sales units after returns 3 weeks before the ending week of the selected weeks
If you have cleared the date range filter (looking at all time), then it shows the sales units after returns 3 weeks before the current week
Sell Price
The selling price of the product at the end of the selected week(s)
Size Availability % | Size A(S)%
The count of SKU's that are left vs. the count of SKU's that were bought
You originally had stock for all 4 sizes, and now you only have 2 sizes in stock. Size availability % is then = 50%.
Spot Cover
Shows how many more weeks the current stock will last based on the last closing week's sales units after returns.
When you are looking at a partial week (incomplete week), calculation = current stock units / last closing week's sales units
If the sales unit after returns of the last closing week is zero or negative then it will reflect the current stock units
If the current week is the product's first active week then it will reflect the current stock units
When you are looking at multiple periods of sales, calculation = closing stock units/ sales units after returns of the closing week
Sell Through % (all time) | ST % (all time)
Sales Units After Returns (all time)(Sales U AR)/Available to Sell (all time)(ATS) of the selected period
Sell Through Velocity | ST Velocity - Available on Product Page ONLY
Average Weekly Sell Through of the product in the first or last X weeks (customer dependent)
Stock Units | Stock U
Stock on hand units or closing stock units (when looking at historical weeks)
Stock @ Cost
Stock at cost price value at the end of the selected week. Calculated by Cost price x Stock Units
Stock @ Sell Price
Stock value at sell price ex tax. Calculated by Sell Price (ex tax rounded) x Stock Units
Stock @ RRP | Stock @ RRP
Stock value at original retail ex tax. Calculated by Stock units x RRP (ex tax)
To Date Sales Units After Returns
Total sold units after returns to date (all time).
Total Markdown & Discounts After Returns $ | Total MD & Discounts AR $ - Available on Rollups ONLY
The difference between your full price sales revenue (sales units after returns X RRP ex tax) vs. your actual sales revenue (sales after returns).
This metrics includes both markdowns & discounts.
Total Markdown & Discounts After Returns % | Total MD & Discount AR %
Calculation is 1 - [Sales Revenue / (Sales U AR x RRP (ex tax))]. This metric is time-sliceable.
Total Products Live
The count of products that are live and and does not include products that haven't launched yet. Meaning the Total Live Styles should always equal or be lower than Product Count.
To Date sell through % | To Date ST%
The to-date sell-through % since the product's gone live. Calculated by total sales units after returns / available to sell.
Transferred Units | Transferred U
The units that were transferred out to another store/warehouse
Note: This metric is currently available to selected system integrations only.
Transferred @ Cost | Transferred @ Cost
Transferred units @ cost value. Calculated by future transfers x cost price
Transferred @ RRP | Transferred @ RRP
Transferred units @ cost value. Calculated by future transfers x cost price
True Rate of Sale | TROS
Showing what you could have sold if you were always in stock of all sizes.
Calculated using sales units before or after returns of the selected timeframe / number of weeks the sizes were in stock. Read more in this article for details & example
Variance %
All variance % metrics are a comparison of this year vs last year.
E.g. Sales Units After Returns Variance % = Sales Units After Returns (all time) / Sales Units After Returns - 1
Weighted Size Availability | Size A(W)%
The sum of the Bought %'s of only those sizes that are left in stock.
You still have stock for size M & L of which you originally bought 30% each. Your weighted size availability is then = 60%
Weeks Active | Wks Active
How many weeks a product was in stock and able to make sales after the launch date
If a product sells out and comes back into stock it will calculate from the original launch date. This also takes into account if a time filter is applied
Weeks Age | Wks Age
How many weeks has the product been in the business since its 1st date of launch
Not affected by time filters
Trying to understand something that's not defined here? Message us in the chat โ and we can add it to the list! ๐