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πŸ”‹ Product Rating/Sell Through Velocity
πŸ”‹ Product Rating/Sell Through Velocity

Fast seller, average seller and slow seller...what is the logic behind these ratings?

Updated over a week ago

Style Arcade determines the rating of the product using the following logic:

Fast Seller

When a product sold more than 10% of its stock on average per week, based on first x weeks ST% or last x weeks ST% (metrics are customer dependent).

Average Seller

When a product sold between 5 -10% of its stock on average per week, based on first x weeks ST% or last x weeks ST% (metrics are customer dependent).

Slow Seller

When a product sold less than 5% of its stock on average per week, based on first x weeks ST% or last x weeks ST% (metrics are customer dependent).

You can hover over the rating to check the metric currently applied to your business.

To filter on these ratings, search for 'Sell Through Velocity' in your filter and select the rating you want to filter by.

You can also sort the card metric by Sell Through Velocity to view them in order.

To minimise or maximise the rating, hover over the rating and click on the 'eye' button

The rating will be minimised to just one dot on the upper left corner.

To switch/off the rating, click the icon below to reveal the drop-down menu and toggle "Show rating".


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